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Saturday, March 11, 2017

Back to School: A Biblical Perspective (Online Article)

John Piper wrote an article titled "Back to School: A Biblical Perspective" which shares the Christians' duty and responsibly to use our god-given brains to think and learn.  Below are the highlights of the article:

  1. We are commanded to love the Lord with our minds.
  2. Without God as the highest value of education all thinking becomes futile and dark and sordid.
  3. We are commanded to be mature in our thinking.
  4. The failure to love truth will lead to destruction.  
  5. Wise people see to grow in knowledge. 


  1. Many times we live as though God is only concerned with our actions, as long as we aren't doing something bad, then we are good. However, our actions come from our thoughts/minds, which come from our hearts. What we think, and how we think are very important

  2. Ultimately, everything a Christian does should be for the glorification of God. I would venture that He is more concerned with the "why" behind what we do than our actual actions. Man has touted himself as an evolved being, when in reality, we are simply a reflection of our creator. Therefore, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom."

  3. Thinking is a discipline. How easy it is to let our minds wander and stagnate in evil thoughts. That's where sin grows and has a stronghold. That's why phillippians 4:8 is so essential. Training our mind to think true, honest, just, pure etc is essential for spiritual growth.
