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Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Tips for Curriculum Planning {Mapping, Long Range Plans, Year-Long Planner}

As teachers are planning out their entire year of their classroom curriculum, they need to be thinking of the big picture.  The article titled Tips for Curriculum Planning {Mapping, Long Range Plans, Year-Long Planner}  provides templates and examples for teachers.  Below is an approach that the author uses while planning out the curriculum.

  • "Begin by jotting down all of the major themes and big ideas that you'll be teaching.
  • Think about read alouds you want to share with your class.
    • How long will they take?
    • When would be a good time to read them?
    • Do they align with any concepts or themes? 
  • After you have established the "Big Ideas" you can start looking at the nitty-gritty: specific standards, lessons, and pacing.
  • Consider your district's requirements.  If they have created a pacing guide you'll want to use it to form your own long-range plans."

1 comment:

  1. This is very important as a teacher considers creating their lesson plans for the year. Start big then go small.
